Girl with lorikeet

Lorikeet Landing

Amazement, wonder and delight are exactly what you’ll experience when you visit our newest exhibit, Lorikeet Landing at Rainbow Springs.

Enjoy a real nose-to-beak experience as you stroll through this beautiful aviary, surrounded by brilliantly colored, friendly birds that will eat nectar right out of your hand! Nectar may be purchased at the exhibit for $2 per cup.

Lorikeet Landing at Rainbow Springs is located in the Australian Area (next to the Splash Park)

Lorikeet Facts

We thought you might like to know a bit about these colorful and gregarious birds before you meet them.

  • Range: Tropical islands and nations such as Indonesia, Polynesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea.
  • Habitat: Most live in the canopy of dense rainforests or at the edge of wooded areas near open savannahs. Some live in mountainous regions.
  • Diet: Wild: nectar, pollen, fruits and flowers. / Zoo: Nectar mix (in powder form and then mixed with water), a lot of fruit, some vegetables, sometimes cooked brown rice and mealworms.


  • Lories will hang upside down for hours at a time.
  • They sometimes sleep on their backs with their feet straight up in the air.
  • They must bathe frequently in order to properly maintain their plumage.
  • Most Lories can and will talk.


At least 13 species are endangered or vulnerable, particularly those found only on small islands. Causes of endangerment include habitat destruction for logging and agriculture, introduction of exotic species such as rats, domestic cats and dogs, mongoose and mosquitoes, accidental introduction of exotic diseases, such as avian malaria, and trapping for pet bird trade.

Lorikeet Schedule:

Lorikeet Landing will be open daily when the temperature is 55° or above unless we are experiencing thunderstorms or high winds.